
Movement Learning Catalyst to przekrojowy projekt ruchu – łączący różne walki i społeczności ponad barierami płci i seksualności, rasy i pochodzenia etnicznego, klasy społecznej, niepełnosprawności i innych. Kurs szkoleniowy kładzie nacisk na uczenie się poprzez działanie, głęboką refleksję i budowanie relacji opartych na solidarności.

Oprócz eksploracji kluczowych tematów związanych z budowaniem ruchów transwersalnych i transnarodowych, program ma na celu modelowanie tych praktyk i zapewnienie dobrze zaprojektowanych ram dla ciągłego uczenia się przez działanie i budowania relacji.

Program ma na celu wzmocnienie naszej zdolności do osadzania uczenia się w praktykach różnych ruchów, abyśmy mogli nadal uczyć się na podstawie doświadczeń, projektować kreatywne i testowalne interwencje oraz budować strategiczne podejścia, które mogą reagować na stale zmieniające się warunki, w których walczymy.



Regenerative (Education)


Melanie Bush


Melanie Bush is part of:

  • May First Movement Tech
  • US Solidarity Economy Network
  • Flatbush Mixtape
  • Global Tapestry of Alternatives

Anna Davis

České Budějovice

Anna Davis has been involved in many activities and movements over the years trying to encourage various groups of people (children, students, teachers etc.) to develop democratic values in society, to take action, to care.

Commons Library




Activist Academy


Jeroen is part of Activist Academy which tackles Climate Justice and Migrant Justice Movement.

European Alternatives


Niccolò is part of EA, an organization promoting „Democracy, Equality, Culture Beyond the Nation State”.

EcoActivism Academy


The Eco-Activism Academy is aimed at revitalizing the environmental movement in Armenia, ensuring it is proactive, cohesive, and capable of driving significant environmental and social change.

Foyer Futur e.V




ACV Innovatief


Green-left front


Aleksa Prelić is 24 years old and is a member of the Green-left front party and the local municipality board.

Aleksa used to be an advisor to an MP in the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia until the local elections held on the 2nd of June 2024, and worked in the election HQ.

Aleksa is now currently in the Green-left front media team.

Unite The Union


Jenny Patient, part of Unite The Union, is an activist, researcher and educator with unions and climate movement.

Friedrich Alexander Universitat


Mahdi, from the Friedrich Alexander Universitat is a PhD candidate working on the human rights movements in the Middle East.

Fundacja NGO Stacja


We educate activists through podcasting and writing blog.

Chinook Fund


Pablo Chamorro Ortiz – CAN Europe


Campaigning and mobilization coordintaro at CAN Europe since July 2024 I have been working for Greenpeace for 16 years in movement building, capacity building, offline mobilization strategies. Always interested in new connections and new learnings.

Climate Camp Ireland


Slí Eile hosts the Climate Camp together with a range of community groups and campaigns. The Camp is an anti-capitalist, all-Ireland, family-friendly gathering, which features workshops and debates, direct action training, practical skill-sharing, music, art, craic and more.

We build upon a long tradition of solidarity camps, dating back to the Peace Camps of the 1970s-’80s: one that models the society we need, beyond capitalism, bringing people together to build a strong and radical climate movement on the island of Ireland.

European Action Coalition


The European Action Coalition for the Right to Housing and to the City is a convergence process between movements from different cities in several european countries fighting for the respect of these fundamental rights. After having campaigned independently for years, those movements (groups and, social movements composed by tenants, slum/ self-built neighborhoods dwellers, squat residents, victims of inadequate housing, victims of eviction or affected by indebtedness, professionals and researchers) felt the need to gather in order to strengthen this fight to take common action and  common positions on European Housing issues.

ADOM Student Movement


Starting from March 16th, we helped organize several demonstrations, strikes, and solidarity movements with several thousand people, our biggest achievement was the demonstration organized for October 23rd with 80,000 people. Together with the civil organizations that cooperate with us, we formulated  our 9 educational reform points , which we are fighting to achieve.



NO CAP was born in 2011 from the initiative of Yvan Sagnet as a movement to oppose „caporalato” in agriculture and to promote the spread of respect for human, social, and environmental rights. In 2017, the NO CAP International Network decided to structure itself into an association, which recently took the legal form of a Third Sector Entity (ETS). NO CAP is run by a group of activists, volunteers who put the wealth of their experience and knowledge at the association’s disposal.




The UNDOK contact point is an initiative of several trade unions, the Vienna Chamber of Labour, the ÖH Bundesvertretung, NGOs from the field of immigration and asylum law as well as self-organized migrant organizations and anti-racist and grassroots trade union activists. The UNDOK contact point is supported by the UNDOK Association, which is organized as an association.

Whether with or without papers: social security laws, labor law and minimum collective bargaining standards apply to all workers. However, workers without or with uncertain residence status or restricted access to the labor market are often particularly affected by extreme exploitation. Employers often take advantage of their precarious situation. This leads to wage fraud, excessive working hours and sexual/physical assaults.



We of sezonieri.at are a coalition of PRO-GE trade union with agricultural workers´ activists. We cooperate with non-governmental organizations which stand up for the rights of harvest workers.

We represent the interests of agricultural workers. We want to prevent the exploitation of farm workers, improve their working conditions, and have the experience to enforce rights – if necessary – through the courts and with public authorities / administrative bodies.

Queer Tropical


Queer Tropical is, in essence, an LGBTQI+ Association that also publicly declares itself as feminist and anti-racist. We repudiate all forms of violence, prejudice and discrimination based on gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, race or ethnicity, social class, nationality, creed or faith. We fight to build a fair society, based on democratic values ​​and equity among all people.

We are an entity that seeks to help the Brazilian LGBTQI+ community in Portugal. We consider ourselves to be a plural, humanist, non-profit and independent association in relation to partisan and confessional points of view. We were born as a response to a moment of historical fragility, radicalism and restriction of civil freedom in Brazil.

International Women* Space


International Women* Space (IWS) is a feminist, anti-racist political group in Berlin with refugee and migrant women* and non-migrant women* as members. We fight patriarchy and document everyday violence, racism, sexism and all kinds of discrimination.

Mujeres con Voz


We are a group from where we promote encounters between diverse women, like us. We want to strengthen ourselves, weave networks of mutual sorority and be a reference in practices of encounter and coexistence, through the exchange between our different cultures, our ways of seeing life and living in the world.

Non una di meno


ON NOT ONE Since 2016, the feminist and transfeminist movement Non Una Di Meno has been fighting against all forms of gender violence, against all the faces that patriarchy takes on in the society we live in…

Les Soulèvements de la Terre


Les Soulèvements de la Terre

Gezi Park Mobilisations


A wave of demonstrations and civil unrest in Turkey began on 28 May 2013, initially to contest the urban development plan for Istanbul’s Taksim Gezi Park. The violent eviction of a sit-in at the park sparked protests and strikes took place across Turkey, protesting for freedom of the press, of expression, assembly, and the government’s encroachment on Turkey’s secularism.


Notre Dame de Landes

la zad of Notre Dame de Landes, France, a liberated territory against an airport and its world.  The land has been occupied since 2009 and is part of a 50 year struggle ‘against a major capitalist infrastructure project.

Top Manta


For years, street vendors who work in blankets in Barcelona have been persecuted by the police, political parties, local economic elites and large fashion brands.

Top Manta was born in 2017 as the social and solidarity clothing brand of the Barcelona Street Vendors Union. It is a brand created to improve the living conditions of the Mantero collective, a project conceived with ethical and sustainable criteria, which guarantee the future of local communities instead of forcing them to migrate.

Today Top Manta is not only our clothing brand, it has become a great project in which we have already managed to get 120 people to have their papers and leave the blanket behind. We have two workshops, one for sewing and the other for screen printing, where 25 people currently work manufacturing branded clothing and taking on external orders.



FEMEN is an international women’s movement of brave topless female activists painted with the slogans and crowned with flowers.

FEMEN female activists are the women with special training, physically and psychologically ready to implement the humanitarian tasks of any degree of complexity and level of provocation. FEMEN activists are ready to withstand repressions against them and are propelled by the ideological cause alone. FEMEN is the special force of feminism, its spearhead militant unit, modern incarnation of fearless and free Amazons.

No Tav movement and No Grandi Navi

Venice - Italy

Over the past decade a commodification of common good has been a trend in many places all over Europe. In Italy many movements have risen to protect and highlight the importance of commons as well as of a kind of development that is sustainable and fair. Some of these movements are the NoTav movement, crossing borders between Italy and France, the NoTriv movement against drilling in the adriatic sea, which also saw transnational cooperation with the Balkans and many others like the No Grandi Navi Movement or the No MUOS movement.

Ende Gelände


Ende Gelaende is a German broad alliance of people from the anti-nuclear and anti-coal movements, the Rhineland and Lausitz climate camps and the Hambacher Forest anti-coal campaign. As many environmental movement active transnationally, their belief is that actions and civil disobedience are needed in order to counter climate change and put climate before profit.

Another Europe is Possible


We are a proudly pluralist and cross party campaign, bringing together a coalition that includes left wingers and progressives from all parties and none. But we are not a charity, and we get stuck in, actively opposing the Tories and other right wing parties. Another Europe is a democratic organisation, run, owned and funded by its members.

Krytyka Polityczna

Krytyka Polityczna

Krytyka Polityczna is the largest Central and Eastern European liberal network of institutions and activists. It consists of the online daily, a quarterly magazine, publishing house, cultural centers and activist clubs in a dozen cities in Poland.

Almen Modstand


The Almen Modstand campaign aims to promote self-determination over homes and neighborhoods for ordinary residents. We will promote a democratic, inclusive and solidarity culture and unity in our residential areas, and we will seek to be a platform that can influence the political power to ensure solidarity changes in the housing area.